Bad breath is embarrassing.
There are many causes for bad breath, clinically known as
halitosis. Here is what you need to know
about combating bad breath daily.
1. Bad
breath can be caused by medications and dry mouth. If you take medications that cause dry mouth,
try an over the counter saliva substitute such as Biotene® or sip on water
throughout the day. You can stimulate
saliva production with sugarless mints as well.
2. The gum disease periodontitis causes bad
breath. Unhealthy gums that bleed easily,
receding gums and loose teeth are the product of the gum infection
periodontitis. The bacteria and
infection causes severe odor that cannot be brushed, flossed or cleaned away
with mouthwash. If you have bad breath
caused by gum disease, see your dentist right away to begin treatment and get
the infection under control.
3. Certain foods can cause bad breath. Onions and garlic for lunch? Even if you brush and floss the odor from
pungent foods can escape through your mouth even hours after eating. If you suffer with acid reflux disease, you
may find that symptoms are often accompanied by bad breath. Keeping acid reflux
under control through diet and medication can help.
5. Clean your tongue. Brush your tongue, or use a tongue scraper
daily to remove filmy residue from oral bacteria.
6. Watch your diet. A diet high in sugars and carbohydrates
causes excess plaque and bacteria to form in your mouth. In addition to causing bad breath, plaque and
bacteria are the causes of tooth decay and gum disease.
7. Use an alcohol-free antibacterial mouth
wash daily. Mouth wash can help destroy
odor causing bacteria that remain after brushing and flossing.
8. Wear a denture or partial? Keep it clean! Remove it daily for brushing and cleaning,
and use an antibacterial soak to keep it bacteria free.
9. Change your toothbrush regularly. Bacteria from your mouth can hide out on your
toothbrush, reintroducing bacteria when you brush your teeth. Changing your toothbrush every 8 weeks or so
will help prevent bacteria from taking up residence on the bristles. Keep your toothbrush in a clean, dry place.
10. See your dentist regularly. A professional dental cleaning removes plaque
buildup (calculus) that cannot be removed with brushing alone. A regular exam detects problems like tooth
decay and gum disease before they become advanced. Your dentist can also provide advice and products
to help eliminate bad breath.
For more information about combating bad breath, contactForest Lane Dental, the Dallas dental practice of Dr. Jack E. Burroughs.
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