Friday, January 17, 2014

Snoring Disrupts More Than Your Sleep

If you snore, then you are aware of it- you get kicked in the night by your partner, woken up and told to roll over, you hear the complaints, but what can you do about it?  You might have tried using nose strips or other over the counter remedies that promise to eliminate your annoying nocturnal sound effects.  You might have considered or even tried using a C-PAP machine at night, but they can be uncomfortable, bulky and noisy.  The good news is that advancements in dentistry have developed a simple solution that can reduce or eliminate snoring in people with mild to moderate sleep apnea.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

 Sleep apnea occurs when the soft tissues in the throat relax during sleep, causing them to close in on each other, narrowing or closing off the airway.  Snoring is a symptom of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea sufferers can experience prolonged periods of not breathing (apnea) which can be extremely harmful. In addition to loud, obnoxious snoring during the deepest (and most important) part of the sleep cycle, sleep apnea can contribute or even cause some pretty serious health conditions.  High blood pressure, stroke and depression have been linked to sleep apnea as well as a predisposition for heart problems.  If you don't get good, restful sleep at night, you wake feeling tired, irritable, and lack focus.  Dentistry has developed a simple solution that could be the answer to snoring you have been looking for.

The Dental Sleep Apnea Solution

 Dentists, such as Dr. Jack E. Burroughs, offer patients a simple, effective and comfortable solution to snoring and sleep apnea that help prevent the airway from collapsing during sleep.  A custom made mouth guard is made which perfectly fits over the teeth and holds the jaw slightly forward, maintaining an open airway and reducing snoring significantly.  This simple snoring appliance is available in Dallas at Forest Lane Dental.  Unlike do-it-yourself over the counter oral appliances, a custom made appliance ensures the right fit, best comfort and most effective airway protection.  If you are tired all the time and tired of the complaints that come with being a snorer, you owe it to yourself to check into dental snoring and sleep apnea solutions.

Contact your Dallas dental sleep apnea professional at Forest Lane Dental and schedule a consultation to find out if a dental snoring appliance is right for you.

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