Friday, December 19, 2014

Happy Holidays From Forest Lane Dental

may your holidays sparkle
The Holidays have arrived, and at Forest Lane Dental, we are wishing each and every one of our dear patients a holiday season filled with everything good that life has to offer. 

As we approach the close of 2014, and look to the New Year with anticipation, our reflections on the past year include deep gratitude to you for entrusting your dental health to us.  As a private practice dentist, loyal patients like those of you who have made Forest Lane Dental your dental home, are truly appreciated. 

Dentists often hear patients tell stories about their dental fears, challenges and insecurities.  Having the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our patients is truly a blessing. There is nothing more gratifying to a dentist than seeing firsthand how the transformation of a patients smile can cause a transformation in their quality of life.  Thank you for trusting us to take care of the dental needs of you and your family, and for referring those close to you to our practice.
As we head into 2015, we are looking forward to continuing to care for the dental needs of you and your family.  We wish you all the best in the coming year.  Remember to keep a smile on your face, and keep it shining bright with Dr. Burroughs.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Taking Advantage of Your 2014 Dental Insurance Benefits

2014 is winding down, and in the midst of all the holiday preparations, going to the dentist might not top your list of things to do- but it should.  As the year comes to a close, so do most dental insurance benefits. For most PPO dental insurance plans, the close of the calendar year also means the expiration of unused dental insurance funds.

Dental Insurance Benefits- Use Them of Lose Them

Dental insurance plans are set up to provide regular dental maintenance such as cleanings and check-ups twice per year.  In addition, there is usually an annual maximum payment available to take care of the cost of dental repairs such as fillings, crowns and dental bridges.  Unused funds do not typically roll over into the new year on January 1, rather they expire unused.

Are You Due For a Check-Up?

Insurance members should stay on track with regular dental cleanings and exams, because most of the time they are available through the plan at no cost to you.  If it has been six months or more since your last dental appointment, now is a good time to schedule a cleaning.  Taking advantage of this year's dental benefits maximum will ensure that your 2015 dental maximum is fully available should you need dental work in the coming year. 

Need Extensive Dental Work?

If you know you need some dental work, starting it this year staging it in phases can work to your financial benefit.  Schedule a portion of your dental work before the end of the year, and the remainder in 2015 when your benefits renew in order to maximize the contribution from your dental insurance carrier.

Forest Lane Dental is a Preferred Provider

One of the perks of using dental insurance with a preferred provider is that the total cost of dental treatment is contractually discounted for members of the plan.  Dr. Jack E. Burroughs of Forest Lane Dental is a preferred provider for most of the popular PPO dental insurance plans including:
  • Aetna
  • Assurant
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Cigna
  • Delta Dental
  • Dental Select
  • Dentemax
  • Guardian
  • Humana
  • Metlife
  • United Health Care
  • United Concordia
Forest Lane Dental also participates with numerous other dental plans and DMO's, and will file to your insurance plan for you.  Contact your Dallas dentist today to schedule an appointment today.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Professional Teeth Whitening Just in Time For Christmas

Are you ready for a dazzling white smile this holiday season?  Professional teeth whitening is the number one most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure, and it can have a big impact on the way you look and feel.

Affordable Teeth Whitening
Professional whitening is an affordable cosmetic dentistry procedure, and provides a dramatic result for the cost.  In- office teeth whitening offers whitening up to several shades in just a single office visit.  Take-home whitening kits are used at home, and will provide similar results after repeated use, usually in 1-2 weeks. Whichever method you choose, you can be sure to achieve beautiful results.

Steps to Whiter Teeth
Start with clean teeth.  Schedule a dental exam and professional cleaning in order to check for signs of tooth decay.  Whitening decayed teeth can cause dental pain. A professional cleaning procedure helps prime your tooth surfaces for the best results with whitening.
Avoid foods that stain teeth.  Deeply pigmented foods and liquids stain your teeth and can reverse the effects of dental bleaching prematurely.  Red wine, coffee, tea and berries are some of the worst culprits when it comes to stained teeth.  Smoking and tobacco use are also known to cause serious stains.
Maintain your results with good dental hygiene.  Once you have achieved whiter teeth, keep them clean and stain free with regular brushing and flossing using a fluoride toothpaste.  Professional strength fluoride treatments might be needed to help prevent sensitivity sometimes caused by teeth whitening.
See your dentist every six months for a cleaning and check-up, and keep your teeth their whitest with a new take-home whitening kit twice a year. 

Schedule Your Professional Whitening Now
Call Forest Lane Dental today to schedule your appointment and get started on improving your appearance with professional teeth whitening. 

Friday, October 31, 2014

Avoiding Ghoulish Tooth Decay

avoid cavities on Halloween
Don't get tricked!  Avoid cavities on Halloween and every day!
The team at Forest Lane Dental of Dallas wishes you a Happy Halloween and safe trick-or-treating tonight!  When it comes to taking care of your teeth and cavity prevention, Halloween candy is not the only culprit that can damage teeth and cause cavities.  Read on for tips on preventing tooth decay on Halloween and every day.

  • Choose a healthy diet.  Everyone knows that eating healthy foods is best for your dental health and overall health.  Did you know that snacking on crunchy veggies is good for your teeth?  In addition to a healthy diet, finishing a meal with a fresh vegetable such as carrot sticks, fresh celery or even a crunchy apple helps remove sticky residue on teeth and stimulate gums and saliva production, reducing food particles that can be left behind on teeth.
  •  Brush and Floss.  Our busy lifestyles sometimes prevent us from making time to take care of brushing after meals.  If you cannot brush after eating, you can rinse your mouth well with warm water to help remove food particles that can become trapped between teeth and on tooth surfaces.  Make sure you floss every day to clean the 35% of tooth surfaces that cannot be cleaned with a toothbrush alone.
  •  Avoid foods which are high in sugars and carbohydrates.  You might know that sugary foods cause cavities, but did you know that carbohydrates can be culprits, too?  When carbohydrates break down, they produce sugars, which are food for the destructive bacteria that cause tooth decay.  Keeping carbs in the middle of your meal, and in moderation will help prevent cavities from forming.  
  • Avoid Acids.  Tooth enamel is the strongest substance in the human body, but it is still susceptible to acid erosion.  A diet high in acidic foods can damage tooth enamel over time.  Avoid behaviors such as sucking on lemons.  Brush or rinse well after consuming acidic foods.
  • See Your Dentist.  A professional dental cleaning and check-up every 6 months is an important step in cavity prevention.  Brushing and flossing are great for daily care, but tartar (hardened plaque) cannot be removed with brushing and floss alone.  A professional cleaning will remove tartar and the cavity causing bacteria along with it.  When you see your dentist every 6 months, you will notice healthier teeth and gums. 
For more information on cavity prevention, or to schedule your dental check-up at Forest Lane Dental, contact Dr. Jack E. Burroughs today. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Clear Invisible Braces Make Patients Smile

Invisalign is Nearly Invisible While Worn

Straight teeth are more than just a cosmetic concern, and dental patients diagnosed with misalignment or dental crowding are often concerned about having traditional braces for good reasons.  If you have been told that you need orthodontic treatment, you probably know that crowded teeth are more prone to tooth decay, gum disease and eventually, tooth loss. 

Traditional braces are considered unattractive by many patients, and they are not very excited about living life with brackets and wires in their mouth for a year or more.  Luckily, options for orthodontic treatment without traditional braces are available at Forest Lane Dental of Dallas.  

Invisalign Clear Aligners offer advanced orthodontic treatment without brackets and wires.  

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign technology relies upon a series of custom made clear dental aligners that are worn daily and overnight to bring teeth into alignment without brackets and wires.  The clear aligners are virtually invisible while worn during the day.  They can be removed for meals and for personal dental hygiene like brushing and flossing.  

The aligners are worn for about 20 hours per day and changed every couple of weeks. With recommended use, the aligners will gradually bring the teeth into proper position without braces, usually in 6 months to a year. 


Invisalign Advantages

Traditional braces create specific inconveniences for patients including dietary restrictions, difficulty cleaning around the brackets and wires and frequent dental visits.  Invisalign technology eliminates these problems.  Advantages of Invisalign include:

  • Rapid Results

  • No Dietary Restrictions

  • No Dental Hygiene Challenges

  • Fewer Dental Appointments

  • No Brackets or Wires

Is Invisalign Right For You?

If your teeth are crooked or your bite is not aligned properly, Invisalign may be the answer you are looking for.  The cost is about the same as traditional braces, and many dental insurance plans provide coverage for Invisalign treatment.  Schedule a complimentaryconsultation today to find out if Invisalign is right for you.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Tired All the Time? Answer These Questions to Assess Your Sleep Apnea Risk

Snoring is a problem for 25% of American adults, and almost half of all adults snore occasionally.  Snoring is much more than an annoying habit.  It can be a symptom of a more serious condition known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). OSA is a condition which prevents normal breathing during relaxation.  When the throat muscles relax during sleep, they collapse upon each other, obstructing the airway and causing loud snoring and/or periods of apnea (not breathing). OSA can cause a variety of problems with both overall health as well as lifestyle.

25% of American Adults 

Suffer With Habitual


OSA and Chronic Health Conditions

Patients suffering with OSA can experience problems ranging from high blood pressure to clinical depression.  Extreme fatigue and sleepiness during the day, along with forgetfulness, mood changes and even loss of libido affect quality of life.

Snoring and Sleep Apnea Help

The good news is, there is help available.  Traditional treatment for OSA often includes the use of a C-PAP machine over night. Many patients find the C-PAP cumbersome and uncomfortable, reducing compliance.  Dental treatment for snoring and sleep apnea has been shown to reduce symptoms significantly. A custom made dental appliance which maintains an open airway, reducing snoring and preventing obstruction of the airway during sleep, can reduce or eliminate the serious problems associated with sleep apnea.

Snoring/Sleep Apnea Self Assesment

Answer the following questions to asses whether snoring or sleep apnea could be affecting your ability to achieve a good night's sleep. 

  1. Do you often wake up in the morning with a very dry or sore throat?
  2. Do you suffer from forgetfulness, mood-changes or decreased libido?
  3. Do you snore, or have you been told that you snore?
  4. Do you experience sleepiness or decreased energy during the day?
  5. Do you frequently wake up in the morning with a headache?
  6. Do you awaken during the night with a sensation of gasping or choking?
  7. Do you experience restless sleep?
  8. Do you experience extreme sleepiness while driving?
 If you answered "yes" to two or more of these questions, then you could be suffering with OSA.  The best way to find out for sure is to have a personal examination and consultation with a sleep apnea treatment provider, such as Dr. Jack E. Burroughs.

Your examination and consultation will reveal if snoring or sleep apnea is likely a problem for you.  A professional sleep-study will be used to gain a proper diagnosis.  Treatment for snoring and sleep apnea is easy to use and easy to comply with using a dental sleep apnea oral device.  For more information about OSA and treatment for snoring and sleep apnea, contact Dr. Burroughs at Forest Lane Dental. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

New Rules Prevent Doctors From 'Calling In' Prescriptions for Pain Medications

New Prescription Rules Go Into Effect Soon
Have you ever called your dentist late on a Saturday with a dental emergency?  Emergencies happen, and often, they do not happen during normal office hours.  Tighter regulation of prescribing certain medications can make painful dental emergencies a little harder to cope with. 

Beginning October 1, 2014, DEA and DPS regulations will change the drug classification of common pain medications, requiring all prescriptions to be written on official forms.  This means that all patients receiving prescription pain control must come to the office to receive the prescription. 

No More 'Calling In' Prescription Pain Medications

The new, tighter regulations are a good thing for preventing the abuse of prescription medications like hydrocodone and codeine.  Making these substances harder to get will hopefully help control the amount of prescription medications making their way onto the street.  For dental patients, this means, in the event of a late night toothache, your dentist will no longer be able to 'call in' a prescription for pain medications to ease your discomfort until you can make it into the office for treatment.

The Best Way to Prevent the Need for Prescription Pain Medicine

These new regulations can have a silver lining for patients who typically wait for a dental problem to become painful- it may prompt patients to seek help for their dental problems before they become severe and painful.  Regular dental check-ups are for more than just cleaning teeth.  Your dental exam is intended to track your dental health and take note of changes such as tooth decay, gum disease and the stability of previous dental restorations.  When you avoid check-ups and wait for dental problems to become symptomatic, dental emergencies happen.  Most dental problems do not cause pain until they have become severe and advanced.  Detecting and repairing minor, painless dental problems before they become symptomatic will not only prevent pain, but will cost far less to repair.  Keeping your teeth in good repair will prevent most weekend dental emergencies.

Dental Cleanings and Check-Ups Can Prevent Dental Emergencies

One hour, twice a year is the investment you make in your dental health.  In addition to good personal dental hygiene, keeping your dental check-up and cleaning appointments every 6 months will help prevent dental disease as well as detect problems like cavities before they become painful and symptomatic.  Your teeth are not supposed to hurt, keep them healthy with professional dental care.
Schedule a dental check-up.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Save Money on Dental Care

save on dental care
The cost of dental care can be hard for a family, but that should not prevent you from getting the dental services you need to maintain a healthy smile for life.  Forest Lane Dental, the office of Dr. Jack E. Burroughs offers these tips for saving money on dental care.

1.  Take advantage of special promotions.  Forest Lane Dental offers new patients a special discount when they establish themselves as a patient of the practice.  An exam and necessary x-rays is $59, making a check up affordable for families without dental insurance.  Other special promotions are available as well, from dental crowns for just $599 to cosmetic teeth whitening products at a special rate as well.  To see all the money saving promotions available right now, click here.

2. Do not skip dental cleanings and check-ups.  A professional dental cleaning is one of the most affordable dental treatments available, and one of the most important.  Removing hardened plaque (tartar) and cleaning hard to reach surfaces of your teeth helps prevent serious dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease.  Brushing and flossing alone cannot remove tartar build up, so having your teeth professionally cleaned at least twice a year achieves this important step.  In addition, regular dental check-ups help detect problems while they are still small, making dental restorations simpler and less expensive.

3.  Maximize your dental insurance contributions.  Dental insurance is designed to reward prevention of dental problems.  Most dental plans cover the cost of regular dental maintenance in full.  Take advantage of this fact! Stay on schedule with check ups and cleanings for free with most PPO dental plans.  If you do need repairs, take care of them as soon as they are diagnosed to save on the cost of treatment.

4. Get A Pre-Estimate. When more complex dental restoration is necessary, such as with dental crowns, bridges or even root canal treatment, ask your dentist to request an insurance "pre-estimate" from your dental plan.  This will give you a pretty accurate picture of the cost of treatment as well as exactly what will be paid by your plan on your behalf.

5.  Utilize Interest Free Financing.  Your Dallas dental office accepts payment through Care Credit.  This finance option makes it possible to break more extensive dental treatment fees down into smaller bites with a monthly payment plan, often with no interest when paid within 6 months. 

Is it time for your check-up?  Contact Dr. Burroughs and Forest Lane Dental today to get on track to healthier teeth and gums.