Saturday, July 25, 2015

Gum Recession- Are Your Habits Causing It?

Gum recession is one of the most common dental problems for American adults.  Typically associated with gingivitis and gum disease, recession of the gums can be caused by a number of factors- including your personal habits.  Make sure that the dental habits you practice are not causing or contributing to gum recession.  

What is Gum Recession?

Healthy gum tissue surrounds the teeth at the gum line snugly, like a turtleneck sweater.  In gum recession, the gum tissue pulls away from the tooth roots, exposing a portion of the root.  Over time, thinning of the gum tissue and recession can leave portions of the tooth roots exposed, causing sensitivity to hot and cold, the appearance of “longer” teeth and sometimes more serious problems like tooth decay. 

How Can Dental Habits Cause Gum Recession?

Effective dental care at home along with regular dental visits can help prevent gum recession.  Although gum disease is one of the major causes of recession, there are a number of other factors that you should be aware of. One common cause of recession is trauma.  Brushing and flossing every day is important to your dental health, but if you are not doing it correctly, you could be harming your gums.  Some of the habits that can cause or contribute to gum recession are:

  •       Improper brushing technique
  •        Using a hard bristled toothbrush

  •       Grinding or clenching your teeth

  •      Smoking and tobacco use

How to Stop Gum Recession

Once the cause of gum recession has been determined, you can take steps to halt the progression of the process.  Modifying your habits, with the help of your dentist, can have a big impact on your gum health. 
·         Make sure you are using a soft bristled toothbrush, and brushing properly. Your dentist can demonstrate proper brushing technique. 

·         If you grind or clench your teeth habitually, especially during sleep. Your dentist can make a custom fitted night guard to help reduce the pressure placed on teeth and gums.

·         Smoking and tobacco use are dangerous to gum health, and overall health.  Quitting smoking may not only save your gums, but could save your life. 

Advanced Gum Recession

In some cases, advanced gum recession has occurred.  Your North Dallas dentist can provide treatment options for repairing the damage. Make an appointment to discuss your options for stopping and repairing receding gums.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Fourth of July Fireworks Trivia

We want to wish you a very happy, safe and healthy Fourth of July!  The Forest Lane Dental team loves fireworks on the 4th, so this holiday, we compiled some interesting fireworks facts and trivia for you.

  • Fireworks were invented in China more than 2000 years ago!
  • China is still the world's largest manufacturer and exporter of fireworks, accounting for 90% of all fireworks sold in the world!
  •  The word for firework in Japanese, 'hanabi', which actually means "fire-flower".
  • Even simple sparklers can be dangerous!  They burn at a temperature over 15 times the boiling point of water. Three sparklers burning together generate the same heat as a blowtorch. When your sparkler goes out, put it in a bucket of water.
  •  Italy was the first country to truly master and experiment with fireworks in Europe. They were the first to use shells for firecrackers to be loaded into canons and shot into the air. 
  •  Half of all firework injuries are to children under the age of 16.       

Have a wonderful Independence Day, stay safe and we will see you back here on Monday!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Receding Gums- Are You Getting 'Long in the Tooth'?

You might already know that gum disease leads to tooth loss, but you probably do not know that nearly 75% of Americans have some form of gum disease. Periodontal disease (gum disease) destroys the bone and gum tissue surrounding the teeth, causing them to become infected, loose and eventually lost.  Gum recession is well known as a sign of periodontal disease.  Did you know that gum recession can be caused by several other factors that you might not be aware of?

Aggressive Tooth Brushing

Brushing your teeth twice a day is important for gum health, but if you aren’t brushing your teeth the right way, you can actually be damaging your gums!  Improper brushing technique and aggressive brushing can cause an inflammatory response in the gum tissue, leading to recession.  In addition to following your dentist’s instructions for proper brushing technique, always use a soft bristled brush and avoid over-brushing.  Two minutes of proper brushing twice per day is enough to keep teeth and gums healthy- just don’t forget to floss!

Grinding and Clenching Your Teeth

Teeth grinding and clenching is a behavior most often seen associated with stress.  Frequent grinding or clenching can stress the delicate gum tissue and tiny periodontal attachments, causing gum recession.  In addition, stress on the teeth can cause erosion of the enamel at the gumline.  If you have problems with teeth grinding and clenching, talk to your dentist about therapeutic treatment options such as custom mouthguards to help prevent damage from clenching.

Crooked Teeth/Misaligned Bite

Crooked teeth are more than just a cosmetic concern.  When your teeth are crooked , your bite does not match properly.  This is called malocclusion.  Malocclusion causes excess stress, pressure and wear on individual teeth, often resulting in gum recession.   In addition, crooked teeth are harder to keep clean, leaving them prone to excess plaque and calculus- known causes of gum disease. Correcting crooked teeth with traditional braces or Invisalign clear dental aligners can prevent and stop progression of gum recession associated with a misaligned bite


Piercings in the lips and tongue are a dentist’s nightmare.  Metal jewelry in the mouth can cause friction on the delicate gum tissues, leading to gum recession.  In addition, tongue bars and other metal piercings are often the cause of fractured teeth!  Avoid loss of gum tissue and the risk of damage to teeth by removing piercings that can come in contact with teeth and gums.

Tobacco Use Causes Gum Recession

Tobacco use, especially dipping tobacco, causes damage to the delicate gum tissue.  Over time, tobacco uses experience gum recession, even when periodontal disease is not present.  In addition to all the other negative health effects of tobacco use, gum recession is just one more reason to quit smoking and using tobacco now. 

Do You Have Gum Recession?

If you have noticed that you are getting a little “long in the tooth”, it’s time to talk to your Dallas dentist about what is causing your gum recession.  Your dentist and dental hygienist can help determine the cause and work with you to make corrections in your habits to stop the progression of gum recession.  Schedule your dental check -up now, and help make sure you  preserve your gums and maintain a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Cosmetic Dentistry -Repair Chipped Teeth With Dental Bonding

Cosmetic dentistry can make a huge difference in your personal appearance.  Cosmetic procedures can make you look years younger, restore your confidence and give you the freedom to smile again! 

Even healthy teeth can benefit from certain cosmetic dental treatments like teeth whitening and veneers, but one cosmetic dental treatment that is often overlooked is dental bonding.  A chipped or misshapen tooth might be the only thing standing between you and your best smile ever.  When the repair is cosmetic in nature, sometimes the best option is dental bonding. 

How Dental Bonding Is Done

Bonding involves the reshaping of a tooth using a strong, durable tooth colored material.  There is only minimal tooth preparation required, and the procedure is painless.  When there is no other disease or damage to a misshapen tooth, bonding is a safe, economical and beautiful dental enhancement that can make a huge difference in your appearance.  The tooth is prepared with a material which makes the bonding material adhere permanently.  Your dentist is then able to apply the bonding material directly to the tooth’s surface, shaping and contouring it to the desired result.  Once the restoration is given a good polish and shine, your redesigned tooth will look beautiful and natural, matching the shade of the surrounding teeth. 


Why Choose Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a great option for patients with only slight cosmetic defects, a single chipped tooth or a slightly misshapen tooth.  The application of bonding material can close small gaps, reshape a peg-shaped tooth and open up your smile.  In order to use bonding as a cosmetic dental solution, the tooth must be free of disease like decay.  Dental bonding is a good option if the tooth is otherwise intact, strong and stable.  

For teeth which are damaged, decayed or fractured, other treatments such as dental crowns or veneers may be the best solution.  For the cosmetic enhancement of multiple teeth, cosmetic dental veneers might also be the best option.

Find Out If Dental Bonding Is Right For You

The best way to make a decision about whether cosmetic dentistry is right for you is to have a consultation with Dr. Burroughs.  You can schedule your appointment here.